With higher expected risk comes higher expected returns

Source: Wells Fargo Investment Institute. Strategic (long-term) return assumptions are as of July 16, 2024. For illustrative purposes Forecasts are based on certain assumptions and on views of market and economic conditions which are subject to change. Strategic expected returns are forward-looking geometric return estimates from Wells Fargo Investment Institute of how asset classes and combinations of classes may respond during various market environments. Expected returns do not represent the returns that an investor should expect in any particular year. They are not designed to predict actual performance and may differ greatly from actual performance. There are no assurances that any estimates given will be achieved.

FI = fixed income. DM = developed markets. EM = emerging markets. Inv grade = investment grade.

Key Takeaways

  • In general, similar asset classes have similar expected risk and return relationships. Asset classes in the same asset group, like fixed income or equity, tend to be grouped together on the forward-looking capital market line.
  • The alternative investments asset group is somewhat of an exception to that tendency. Some alternative asset classes such as hedge funds exhibit more moderate risk and return expectations, compared to others like private equity which exhibit higher risk and return expectations.