WEBVTT 00:00:02.216 --> 00:00:07.586 Train Travel can be a convenient alternative to driving. 00:00:07.986 --> 00:00:16.786 You can get from Point A to point B without having to focus too much on the trip itself, leaving you free to enjoy the ride. 00:00:16.786 --> 00:00:23.426 In some respects that's what many investors have been doing for the past few years by enjoying the benefits 00:00:23.526 --> 00:00:27.596 of letting their assets ride along in passive investments like index funds. 00:00:31.286 --> 00:00:37.086 But as we near the end of a long, slow recovery, we believe it may be time for investors to get more tactical. 00:00:37.276 --> 00:00:43.866 To actively take the wheel, so to speak, and steer their investments to potentially benefit from near-term opportunities. 00:00:44.936 --> 00:00:52.526 Our research shows that a more active approach tends to perform better in certain market conditions, 00:00:52.526 --> 00:00:57.846 the same conditions we're starting to see in today's economic environment. 00:00:57.846 --> 00:01:01.136 And we believe nimble investors, who can plan for the long term 00:01:01.396 --> 00:01:06.986 but adjust for the short term, may find opportunities in the coming months. 00:01:06.986 --> 00:01:14.896 So, whether you see yourself as someone who just wants to enjoy the ride or someone looking to potentially enhance returns 00:01:15.046 --> 00:01:18.626 with the use of active management, we have a strategy for you. 00:01:20.006 --> 00:01:26.136 To find out more about the different investment strategies useful in today's investment climate, 00:01:26.136 --> 00:01:37.926 download our special Wells Fargo Investment Institute Report: The Agile Investor.